
As believers in Messiah Yeshua we seek to know the Word of God because the Word speaks of Messiah Yeshua Himself (Luke 24). D'var is Hebrew for word.  Its aim is to teach the New Covenant interpretation of the Torah portion or Yeshua's positon on it. This exposition of Scripture is also called the d’rashah/d’rash because of the inquiry that we make into the Word of God to get clarity of it.  It is one of many examples within our congregation where we as members share our gifts one to another as a community of faith. Yeshua, Himself partook of right and responsibility as a Jewish man reading from the haftarah (prophetic) portion of Isaiah in Luke.4:15-17.

If you are interested in serving in this ministry or want more information, contact Andrew Platt.

Download the 2023-2024 F.L.A.M.E Parasha Calendar! This calendar contains all the Torah and Haftarah portions. It also contains the corresponding Brit Chadasha readings for each parasha. The Feast and Holiday readings are included as well! Never lose track of which parasha to read for any given week in the year!