What is the role of a servant leader?
John was raised in a Lutheran clergy home, and came to faith in the Messiah at a young age. He and his wife, Pam, came to an develop an interest in the Jewish roots of the faith almost 20 years ago. Now they attend Beth Am Messiah with their eight children. (Yes, you read that correctly.) John has recently returned to the worship team after hiatus of a few years. He has also served as a sound booth technician and was the original web master.
Alan is a Jewish attorney who has been a believer in Yeshua as his Messiah since age 19, when he received Yeshua through the witness of two fellow students who were Jewish believers at Pennsylvania State University. Alan has been an active member of Beth Am Messiah since 1991. Aside from his law practice, Alan has been involved in an extensive prison ministry with inmates - several of whom are Jewish - in various states. He and his wife, Abbye, have a passion to see their Jewish people come to know Yeshua as their Messiah and Savior.
Jay and his family joined Beth Am Messiah at the beginning, only about a year after the congregation was formed. Over the years, Jay has served in nearly every ministry of the congregation and is currently leading two havurot (home groups). Jay is also pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree at the King’s University in Dallas, TX.
Andrew was brought up in a traditional Jewish home and was Bar Mitzvahed in a conservative congregation. He came to faith in his mid 20's through the loving witness of born again believers and through searching G-d by reading the Torah and prophets for himself. He has been serving at Beth Am Messiah since 1995. In addition to being a Servant Leader, Andrew oversees the both the Welcoming and D'var Torah ministries.